Get started

First time user? Follow the steps below - and be ready to start building! It will take a couple of minutes.

Subscribe to product

You now have access to one or more API products. The first thing you need to do is to subscribe to a product. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on Products in the menu.

  2. Under "How to subscribe": Name your product and click "Subscribe". (You may name it to whatever you want).

Get your API keys

As you have just followed the steps to subscribe to an AzoraOne API product and have named it, the developer portal has placed you in the "Profile" section. You will need a subscription key and a client key. Follow these steps:

  1. Find your primary and secondary subscription keys under "Subscriptions".

  2. To find your client key, click on APIs in the menu

  3. Click on your API (as a new user, you will most likely have just one: a test API. In the future, you will also find your production API here).

  4. On this page, you will find a bunch of API requests. On the right part of the page you will see a small green button: "Try it". Click on that button and you will find your client key!