

The AzoraOne API allows you to integrate the AzoraOne self-learning automation functionalities directly into your applications.

  • The API is designed around REST.

  • The API only supports the JSON format.

  • The API is secured by using a subscription key and a client key in the requests headers.

  • API requests must be made with the HTTPS protocol. Requests made with the HTTP protocol will terminated.


All AzoraOne API requests are made to the base URL.{api}/{version}

The value of the {api} parameter in the URL depends on which API you are trying to access. You can find this value in the API definition pages.

  • When exploring the sandbox API, the value will be "sandbox"

  • When you gain access to a production API, the value will be your company name, for example "arkimera" or "arkimera_test"

The value of the {version} parameter in the URL depends on which version of AzoraOne you want to access.

  • The current version is "v1"


The AzoraOne API is centered around the concept of adding files to an existing company and then extracting bookkeeping data from the files. There is no user configuration or setup of rules in order to learn AzoraOne what data should be extracted. Instead, AzoraOne learns by being fed with actual bookkeeping data.

Required operations

In order to create a successful integration of AzoraOne you will need to implement the following four operations.

  1. Add a company
    Creates a new company that you will be able to upload files to.

  2. Add a file
    Uploads a file to the specified company and prepares it for extraction.

  3. Extract a supplier invoice or receipt
    Extracts bookkeeping data from the specified file. This data can be presented to the user as a bookkeeping suggestion.

  4. Bookkeep a supplier invoice or receipt
    Adds correct bookkeeping to the specified file in order to further develop AzoraOne's knowledge on how the company bookkeeps.

Adding a company will only have to be performed once per customer. Adding, extracting and bookkeeping files can be performed multiple times.

AzoraOne Steps

Optional operations

Once the required operations are working as intended, you can add optional operations that may provide additional value for your customer.

  • The Supplier invoice and Receipt endpoints allows customers to extract data from different types of bookkeeping files.

  • The Supplier endpoint allows customers to identify customer-specific supplier IDs on supplier invoices.

  • The Progenitors endpoint allows customers to inherit knowledge from other companies that are already trained.

  • The Memories endpoint allows customers to reset knowledge on an existing company and start training it from scratch.

AzoraOne provides many operations that may not add any value to the customer, but are helpful when integrating and testing the service.

You can find a full list of available operations in the AzoraOne Sandbox API documentation. It contains detailed descriptions for each operation.


If you have any suggestions on how to improve the documentation, let us know by sending us an email at