
We update our services on a weekly basis and introduce new features regularly. In our changelog, we strive to only publish information that might be of practical use for you (hence, there will be no "improved extraction accuracy" or "minor bug fixes" updates).

April 2024



New Feature: Add Progenitors List

We've introduced a new feature that allows users to conveniently create multiple progenitors to a company with a single API request.

This enhancement maintains the existing functionality that the company will use inherited knowledge from the progenitor, while offering greater efficiency to include a list of progenitors when creating progenitors on a company. Please refer to the updated API documentation for more details on the new endpoint functionality.

ProgenitorList Object

    "progenitors": [{
        "progenitorID": "c1",
        "startDateTime": "2020-01-01 00:00:00",
        "stopDateTime": "2020-12-31 23:59:59",
        "supplierInvoices": true,
        "receipts": true
    }, {
        "progenitorID": "c2",
        "startDateTime": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
        "stopDateTime": "",
        "supplierInvoices": false,
        "receipts": true

New resource


November 2023



Change: Update supplier with only name and supplierID is now possible

We have eased the restrictions on the Update a supplier operation. Previously, updating a supplier required at least one valid parameter from corporate identity number, bank account number, plusgiro number, IBAN or a supplier tag(Swedish API). It was required to pass at least one valid supplier tag(International API). With our latest update, this constraint has been removed. Now, you can update supplier information without the necessity of providing any of this info. This change simplifies the update process, allowing for more flexibility in managing supplier data.


  • Increased Flexibility: Users can now update supplier details without the constraint of these requirements.

  • Simplified Process: The update process is more straightforward, enhancing user experience.

Note for Developers: While the supplier tag information is no longer a prerequisite for updating suppliers, all other existing validation rules and data requirements remain unchanged. Please refer to the updated API documentation for more details on the revised endpoint functionality.

SupplierTags Object (Swedish API)

      "supplierID": "1",
      "supplierName": "Telavox",
      "corporateIdentityNumber": "",
      "bankAccountNumber": "",
      "plusGiroNumber": "",
      "iban": "",
      "supplierTags": {
        "supplierTag1": "",
        "supplierTag2": "",
        "supplierTag3": "",
        "supplierTag4": ""

SupplierTags Object (International API)

      "supplierID": "1",
      "supplierName": "Telavox",
       "supplierTag1": "",
       "supplierTag2": "",
       "supplierTag3": "",
       "supplierTag4": ""

Affected resources:

PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/suppliers/{supplierID}

October 2023


Suppliers (Swedish API version only)

New Feature: International Supplier Support

We're excited to announce that our API now supports international suppliers!

What's New?

Previously, adding a supplier was limited to specific parameters like corporate identity number, bank account number, plusgiro number, and IBAN. Now, with the introduction of suppliertags, you have more flexibility:

  • Rule-Based Parameters: You can continue using the traditional supplier parameters.

  • Suppliertags: Introducing suppliertags! Now you can add free-text suppliertags in addition to rule-based parameters. These tags can store various details such as bank account numbers, email addresses, supplier names, phone numbers, and more.

How Does It Work?

Simply include any relevant information in these suppliertags. The text provided in these tags should match the text on the document to retrieve the correct supplier. This feature offers enhanced customization and adaptability to accommodate a wider range of supplier information.

Why It Matters?
  • Flexibility: Choose between traditional parameters or suppliertags, or even use both simultaneously.

  • Retrieval: The suppliertags enable accurate supplier retrieval by matching the details provided in the tags with the document information.

Feel free to explore this new feature and streamline your supplier management process! For detailed documentation, check out updated API documentation.

SupplierTags Object

  "application/json": {
    "success": true,
    "data": {
      "supplierID": "1",
      "supplierName": "Telavox",
      "corporateIdentityNumber": "556600-7786",
      "bankAccountNumber": "5677-6487",
      "plusGiroNumber": "",
      "iban": "SE1150000000056241002716",
      "supplierTags": {
        "supplierTag1": "07XXXXXXXX",
        "supplierTag2": "",
        "supplierTag3": "",
        "supplierTag4": ""
    "extended": "",
    "meta": "",
    "origin": "",
    "time": "2023-10-16 11:19:40"

Affected resources:

POST ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/suppliers
POST ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/suppliers/multiple
GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/suppliers/{supplierID}
GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/suppliers/
PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/suppliers/{supplierID}

September 2023


There is new Origin object both on invoices and receipts that provide valuable information about ancestor type of the model and the company it belongs to.

Origin Object

    "success": true,
    "data": ...,
"extended": ""
"meta": ""
    "origin": {
        "ancestor": {
            "ancestorType": "None",
            "companyID": "23"
    "time": "2020-07-28 11:41:02"

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts
GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices


There are two new dimensions; costBearer and resultsCentre on account item of both receipts and supplier invoices.


We have added the costbearer item to account item to allow extraction of costbearer data on both supplier invoices and receipts.

"account": "1790",
"periodicity": {
"offsetAccount": "6210",
"startDate": "2020-04-01",
"endDate": "2021-03-31"
"costBearer": {
"targetValue": "55555"
"debit": "2495,29",
"credit": "0,00"

We have added the resultscentre item to account item to allow extraction of resultscentre data on both supplier invoices and receipts.

"account": "1790",
"periodicity": {
"offsetAccount": "6210",
"startDate": "2020-04-01",
"endDate": "2021-03-31"
"resultsCentre": {
"targetValue": "1450"
"debit": "2495,29",
"credit": "0,00"

Affected resources

PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices
GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts
GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices

September 2022


International Bank Account Numbers are now extracted along with the other extended information on both receipts and supplier invoices.

    "success": true,
    "data": ...,
    "extended": {
        "dates": [
      "times": [
        "emails": [
        "currencies": [
        "creditCardNumbers": [],
        "ibans": [
    "meta": "",
    "time": "2020-07-28 11:41:02"

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts
GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices

The parameter invoiceNumber in the supplier invoice resource is no longer required. Feel free to send requests without it in the future!

Affected resources:

PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices

March 2022

Our Sandbox API is now live!

With Sandbox, anyone can create an account and test AzoraOne's self learning capabilities for themselves. Try it out here!

February 2022

When AzoraOne is unable to locate a decimal value (received in the bookkeeping request) on a document, the service will (on APIs where rounding is enabled) try to find values within the rounding range of the value. This way, the values in bookkeeping request do not necessarily have to be identical to the values on the document, providing a bit of slack for the user when bookkeeping with AzoraOne. This month's changes all relate to this functionality which we refer to as approximation.


A rare case has been observed where AzoraOne has built models (based on approximated values) that will return two incorrect values in the extract response. This case has been observed only when the value has been bookkept both on the debit and credit side (i.e. in reversed sales tax). Today's fix is expected to solve the issue in full.


When approximating with values on the credit side of accounts, AzoraOne would, in some cases, calculate the balance incorrectly. This would lead AzoraOne to conclude that the values found were not correct, and hence, these values (even if correct) would be removed from our response. We expect today's update to solve the issue in full.

January 2022


We fixed an issue where some characters in file names could cause unwanted behavior. The service will no longer allow file names containing the characters below.

" | < >

The service will now return the following error message when these characters are present in the file name.

"code": 211502,
"message": "File name is not valid.",
"details": "",
"element": "file"

September 2021


We have added the project item to account item to allow extraction of project data on both supplier invoices and receipts.

"account": "1790",
"periodicity": {
"offsetAccount": "6210",
"startDate": "2020-04-01",
"endDate": "2021-03-31"
"project": {
"targetValue": "P657588"
"debit": "2495,29",
"credit": "0,00"

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts
PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts
GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices
PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices

April 2021


We have added the precognition item to the company model. This allows you to extract supplier invoices using precognition knowledge.

"companyID": "10",
"companyName": "SmallCorp",
"companyProxy": "Account Group Inc",
"active": true,
"precognition": {
"active": false
"corporateIdentityNumber": "556754-9273",
"bankAccountNumber": "310-6093",
"plusGiroNumber": "477451-9",
"iban": ""

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies
PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}

February 2021


We have added the periodicity item to account item to allow extraction of periodicity data on both supplier invoices and receipts.

"account": "1790",
"periodicity": {
"offsetAccount": "6210",
"startDate": "2020-04-01",
"endDate": "2021-03-31"
"debit": "2495,29",
"credit": "0,00"

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts
PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts
GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices
PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices

October 2020


We have added a new resource that lets users delete all prior memories on a specific company.

This allows users to relearn the robot from the start, which can be useful when presenting demonstrations on how the robot learns.

New resources:

DELETE ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/memories
Company proxy

We have added the companyProxy parameter to the company model.

This will allow users to group companies together, which can be useful for tracking user activity.

"companyID": "10",
"companyName": "SmallCorp",
"companyProxy": "Account Group Inc",
"active": true,
"corporateIdentityNumber": "556754-9273",
"bankAccountNumber": "310-6093",
"plusGiroNumber": "477451-9",
"iban": ""

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies
POST ...{api}/{version}/companies
GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}
PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}

June 2020


We have improved the accuracy when extracting data from the following XML-invoice types.

  • Svefaktura 1.0

  • PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0

    • Invoice

    • Credit Note

With this update, basic information will be extracted even if the company has any previous memories. This behavior will be overwritten if the client bookkeeps the files differently.

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices

May 2020

Company billing information

We have added company specific billing information to the meta object when retrieving a company.

This information may be useful when explaining how your customer is billed.

"created": "2020-10-30 10:51:28",
"subscriptionStart": "2020-10-30 10:51:28",
"lastActivated": "2020-10-30 10:51:28",
"lastDeactivated": "",
"cycleLength": "0100",
"cycleEnd": "2020-11-30 10:51:28",
"lastDebited": "",
"debitable": true

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}

April 2020

Supplier invoices

We have added the ourRef and yourRef parameters to the supplier invoice model. This will allow users to extract these parameters from their invoices along with the previous parameters.

"supplierID": "1",
"description": "Phone invoice",
"verificationSeries": "A",
"invoiceDate": "2020-05-01",
"dueDate": "2020-05-31",
"invoiceNumber": "",
"ocrNumber": "707902514856",
"ourRef": "Emma Example",
"yourRef": "Tony Test",
"totalSum": "3119.00",
"vat": "623.82",
"accounts": [
"account": "6210",
"debit": "2495.29",
"credit": "0.00"
"account": "3740",
"debit": "0.00",
"credit": "0.11"

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices
PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices

Email addresses

We have added email addresses to the supplier invoice extended response. You can use this to identify all email addresses that are found in the document.

"corporateIdentityNumbers": [
"bankAccountNumbers": [
"plusGiroNumbers": [
"ibans": [
"currencies": [
"emails": [

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices

January 2020


We have added currencies to the supplier invoice extended response. You can use this to identify all currencies that are found in the document.

"corporateIdentityNumbers": [
"bankAccountNumbers": [
"plusGiroNumbers": [
"ibans": [
"currencies": [

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices
Svefaktura and PEPPOL

We now allow uploading XML-files of the Svefaktura 1.0 and PEPPOL BIS Billing 3 formats. These files can be extracted just like any other document type.

Affected resources:

POST ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files

December 2019

Supplier invoices

We have added the description and verificationSeries parameters to the supplier invoice model. This will allow users to extract these parameters from their invoices along with the previous parameters.

"supplierID": "1",
"description": "Phone invoice",
"verificationSeries": "A",
"invoiceDate": "2019-05-01",
"dueDate": "2019-05-31",
"invoiceNumber": "",
"ocrNumber": "707902514856",
"totalSum": "3119.00",
"vat": "623.82",
"accounts": [
"account": "6210",
"debit": "2495.29",
"credit": "0.00"
"account": "3740",
"debit": "0.00",
"credit": "0.11"

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices
PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices

April 2019


We have increased the accuracy on the description parameter in the receipts resource. Unlike most parameters in AzoraOne, it works by a pretty static extraction mechanism. By comparing the text of the extracted document to what has previously been entered as description on similar documents it will return a description only if a match can be confirmed. If the description contains more than one word, only words matching the current document will be returned.

We also added the ability to include the description parameter in the supplier invoice endpoint. Get in contact with us if you want this parameter in your API.

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts
PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts
GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices
PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices

Mars 2019


We have increased the backend OCR accuracy, while decreasing the time for OCR conversion.

Some files will now get processed quicker than before.

Affected resources:

POST ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files

November 2018

Credit invoices

We have improved the accuracy on supplier invoices. Specifically credit invoices where the amounts did not always exist on the invoice.

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices
PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices

October 2018

Invoice number

We have improved the accuracy and validation techniques of the invoiceNumber parameter in the supplier invoice response format.

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices

September 2018


We have increased the back end OCR accuracy, while decreasing the time for OCR conversion.

Some files will now get processed quicker than before.

Affected resources:

POST ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files

July 2018


We have improved the accuracy of the following parameters in the extended object:

  • corporateIdentityNumbers

  • bankAccountNumbers

  • plusGiroNumbers

Affected resources:

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices?extended=true
GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts?extended=true

May 2018


The progenitors resource will allow you to share memories between companies.

"progenitorID": "c1",
"startDateTime": "2018-01-01 00:00:00",
"stopDateTime": "2018-12-31 23:59:59",
"supplierInvoices": true,
"receipts": true

Add a progenitor

POST ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/progenitors

Retreive all progenitors

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/progenitors

Retreive a progenitor

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/progenitors/{progenitorID}

Update a progenitor

PUT ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/progenitors/{progenitorID}

Delete a progenitor

DELETE ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/progenitors/{progenitorID}
Added PATCH files

We have added another operation on the files resource that allows users to change how the file was sorted.

You can change the type and verificationSeries parameters in the files resource as you wish.

PATCH ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}
"type": "Receipt",
"verificationSeries": "A"

The files resource now accepts Svefaktura as a format. This feature is still in BETA but will be worked upon further.

January 2018


We have added extended information to responses.

"success": true,
"data": "",
"extended": "",
"meta": "",
"time": "2018-01-12 07:40:48"

In order to receive any information in extended, set the query parameter extended to true when extracting information from supplier invoices or receipts.

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/supplierInvoices?extended=true
GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts?extended=true
Due Date

We have added due date to supplier invoices as an optional parameter.

"supplierID": "1",
"invoiceDate": "2018-01-01",
"dueDate": "2018-01-27",
"invoiceNumber": "",
"ocrNumber": "707902514856",
"totalSum": "3119.00",
"vat": "623.82",
"accounts": [
"account": "6210",
"debit": "2495.29",
"credit": "0.00"
"account": "3740",
"debit": "0.00",
"credit": "0.11"

We have also added plusgiro to the company and supplier resources.

"companyID": "10",
"companyName": "Flyttservice Kalmar Lan AB",
"active": true,
"corporateIdentityNumber": "556754-9273",
"bankAccountNumber": "",
"plusGiroNumber": "123456-6",
"iban": ""
"supplierID": "20",
"supplierName": "City Network",
"corporateIdentityNumber": "556630-7806",
"bankAccountNumber": "670-7525",
"plusGiroNumber": "123456-6",
"iban": ""

September 2017


We have added more parameters to this resource in order to provide more detailed information about a file and its current state.

"fileID": "100",
"fileName": "samplereceipt.jpg",
"status": "READY",
"type": "Receipt",
"verificationSeries": "A"

The parameter status can be used to identify if a file is ready to be extracted from.

We have added another operation on the files resource that returns detailed information about the file.

GET ...{api}/{version}/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}

Webhooks are now available for testing.

May 2017

The API has only gone through minor changes this month.

We have added a requested response element that will help you when an extraction fails due to missing supplier

Meta data

If AzoraOne fails to match a supplier invoice to an existing supplier upon extraction, guiding information will be supplied in the response. At element in the data object you will find all corporate identity numbers, bank account numbers and IBAN numbers that have been possible to extract from the document.

You might use this data to update an existing supplier with more information or, more likely, to add a non-existent supplier to your application.

April 2017

There have been some changes to the API this month. Here you can read about all of the changes in order to understand them better.


Now you will be able to extract data from yet another document type, receipts. Upload a file and extract data directly from it within seconds. There is no need for adding suppliers with this resource. Simply upload, extract and bookkeep.

The new resource can be reached in the same way as supplier invoices.


GET ...{api}/api/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts


PUT ...{api}/api/companies/{companyID}/files/{fileID}/receipts
Multiple suppliers

Added operation for adding multiple suppliers in a single request

Send multiple suppliers to:


This feature currently only applies to the suppliers resource. Other resources, such as files and companies, only support one entity per request.

More file formats supported

A POST to the files resource now supports the following formats:

  • PDF

  • PNG

  • JPG

  • JPEG

In order to handle those formats, the Content-Type has to be set in the request body.